Mother and Earth is sponsoring a breastfeeding class presented by Laura Spitzfaden, IBCLC.

This class is an ongoing event that occurs on the second Tuesday of each month, from 6:30pm-8:30pm and the 4th Saturday from 1-3pm. Please register at least 3 days in advance to ensure that the class will not be cancelled.  Late registrations may be accepted if space is available.

There are two class options.

Avoiding Breastfeeding Difficulties

This class will address common difficulties such as how to prevent and treat sore nipples, how to achieve a comfortable latch,  how to avoid and treat thrush and mastitis, how to relieve edema using reverse pressure softening (a technique developed by K. Jean Cotterman RNC-E, IBCLC), how to know if baby is feeding well and how to increase a suppressed milk supply.  Class size is limited to 15 adults, including partners (partners attend free).  Please bring a soft bodied doll or stuffed toy to class.

Getting Started With Breastfeeding

This class covers topics such as, breastfeeding friendly labor and birth practices, latch and positioning techniques, hand expression, normal newborn feeding behaviors, managing engorgement, how to know your baby is transferring milk and troubleshooting difficulties.  I will also provide information on choosing a breast pump, though not everyone needs a pump!  Please bring a soft bodied doll or stuffed toy to class.

Class fee 35.00

Contact Laura Spitzfaden at 517-285-7819 or to register.