If you’re having difficulty breastfeeding and need immediate help, these pages were created for you. Most of the information contained on these pages is available throughout the rest of my website but you may have difficulty finding just the information you need.
Follow the drop-down menu or click on the links below to find help for your particular difficulty. I will be adding more pages in the future. If your problem is not addressed, you may still find help on the rest of my website. Feel free to e-mail me at laura@feedthebabyllc.com if you want me to add another page to this menu.
Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
My Baby is 1-3 Days Old and Not Latching Well
My Baby is Latching But it Hurts!
My Baby Lost 10% of His Birth-Weight; do I need to Supplement?
My Baby is Over 3 Days Old and Isn’t Latching
My Newborn is Nursing All the Time and Doesn’t Seem Satisfied!